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Why choose UQuiz Games?
There are some really great quiz-making options out there, however being teachers ourselves we understand the importance of variety in maintaining student interest. What separates us from others is that you, the teacher, are put into the game. Kids love to have a little fun with their teacher, like watching you get dunked, snowballed or whacked!
How do I create a quiz?
You can watch a 2 minute video tutorial below. Or follow the instructions listed here:
1) Open your UQuiz Games Quiz Maker file.
2) Enter a quiz name and all questions and answers or upload a Quiz File.
3) Upload your headshot image (optional).
4) Click Create Quiz. The Quiz Maker will close and your new quiz will open in file explorer.
How many games can I make with a template?
As many as you like - unlimited games can be made with each template.
What is the easiest way to run a quiz?
Our feedback suggests that running the games for the whole class on a projector is the easiest method of delivery.
How many questions does the quiz need to be?
You can choose to create a quiz with 1 to 10 questions.
How do I make a photo of my face the right size for the game?
When you download a game you will receive a "Face Maker" file which will guide you through the process of creating an appropriate photo of your face to use with the game.
What are the system requirements for UQuiz Games?
You will require Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel 2010 or newer (must be macro capable) and an operating system of Microsoft Windows 7 or newer.
How do I make an animated cartoon face?
The tutorial video below (4 min 21 s) will guide through this process.
On the demo video of the games, why does the last screen say 100% correct when some questions were answered incorrectly?
The ‘reward’ screen (says 100% correct) is shown in the videos simply as a demonstration. It only appears in games if 100% of questions are answered correctly.
How long does it take to make a new quiz?
It takes less than 1 minute to make a new quiz if you upload one of our pre-made quizzes then upload your face photo. To make a new quiz from your own content takes more time depending on your cut and paste skills or typing speed.
Can I edit a quiz after it has been created?
If you create your quiz by uploading a Quiz File then you simply make changes to this file then use the updated Quiz File to create a new quiz.
How do I make a quiz faster using AI?
With AI it is possible to generate quizzes in under 1 minute. We suggest using Chat GPT by pasting the below prompt into your request. It will respond with a table that can be copied and pasted into your quiz data file. The video below (46 s) will guide you through the process. Here is the prompt we recommend using:
Create a quiz for elementary students about major historical events in the month of October. The format will be a table with 10 questions, formatted as follows: 6 columns with 10 rows, using markdown syntax. Column 1 should hold the questions, do not number the questions. column 2-5 should hold answer options, do not add any numbering pretext before the anwers, and column 6 should hold the correct answer, write this as either A, B, C or D.
Why does your shop open in another window with a different web URL?
Short answer – Digital sales tax. Due to international laws, progressively established around the world since 2016, software sellers are required to collect tax then file paperwork and pay taxes to any country where a customer resides. Our shop is based on Wordpress to integrate with our payment collector (
On the demo video of the games, why does the last screen say 100% correct when some questions were answered incorrectly?
The ‘reward’ screen (says 100% correct) is shown in the videos simply as a demonstration. It only appears in games if 100% of questions are answered correctly.